![]() Patriot, From the outset, the Biden regime made clear it would be directing the full force of the federal government against anyone who opposes the administration’s agenda. It began with suppressing demonstrators opposed to Joe Biden’s inauguration. While there is no doubt that those who engaged in violence should be held accountable, there is also no doubt that every American is entitled to due process of law and the presumption of innocence, as guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. Yet, when federal prosecutor Michael Sherwin appeared on 60 Minutes after the event, he boasted about charging as many January 6th protesters as possible, as a “shock and awe” strategy. The persecution of demonstrators goes on to this day, with hundreds held without bail in a Washington, D.C. gulag for months on end, for non-violent offenses like “disorderly conduct in a Capitol building” and “parading, demonstrating, or picketing in a Capitol building.” To justify this brutality, prosecutors made ludicrous comparisons between the January 6 protests – in which a single protester was killed – and the 9-11 terror attacks and the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor in World War II. But it wasn’t enough to target just one group of protesters. The regime’s opponents include concerned parents at school board meetings (regardless of their party affiliation), Trump supporters, promoters of health freedom, First Amendment advocates, Second Amendment supporters, and the list goes on and on. Patriot, have you noticed the Biden administration and its allies in the media casually labeling everyone they don’t like “white supremacists”: those who oppose Critical Race Theory being indoctrinated in young schoolchildren; those who oppose race reparations; even those who oppose vaccine and mask mandates? “Extreme right-wing and fascist movements opposing the COVID-19 vaccine and mask mandates merged with the already existing anti-vaccination movement, forming a potent anti-science force,” declared a pundit commenting on the “Defeat the Mandates” rally in Washington, D.C. earlier this year. And Joe Biden has repeatedly stated – including in his address to the Joint Session of Congress last year – that “the most lethal terrorist threat to the homeland today is from white supremacist terrorism.” Make no mistake about it, we are in no way shape or form defending white supremacists, neo-Nazis, and the like. But Joe Biden and the left are twisting reality and making it part of an effort to lump every kind of dissent together so they can silence everyone who disagrees with their Deep State agenda. They are using the guise of a “white supremacy problem” to give more power to an abusive federal police force that already ignores the law and tramples our rights. The media even had the audacity to label Elon Musk a racist when the free speech advocate announced his intention to buy Twitter. “At its root, @ElonMusk wanting to purchase Twitter is not about left vs right. It’s about white power... He’s upset that Twitter won’t allow white nationalists to target/harass people. That’s his definition of free speech,” fumed left-wing personality Shaun King. And now, the U.S. House is maneuvering a bill to the floor, HR 350, that will grow the federal bureaucracy and give the government more authority to spy on Americans simply because of a manufactured threat. HR 350 – innocently named the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2022 -- authorizes a new task force on “domestic terrorism” with an emphasis on “white supremacy” and “Neo-Nazism.” CONTACT CONGRESS NOW: TELL YOUR REPRESENTATIVE TO STOP THE WAR ON DISSENT AND VOTE “NO” ON HR 350! To the FBI and the Justice Department, anyone who questions the Biden administration could be labeled a “domestic terrorist.” This is a slippery slope if there ever was one. Incredibly, HR 350 comes on the heels of the acquittals of two men infamously accused of plotting to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer in October 2020. When the Department of Justice announced their arrests, the mass media and politicians around the country shouted from the rooftops that white supremacy was sweeping America. Yet when a jury saw the facts, they convicted nobody and acquitted two defendants. This is all the more significant because their defense was that they were entrapped by the FBI – set up and egged on to commit the heinous act. An entrapment defense requires conceding to the allegations, which means an acquittal on an entrapment defense means the jury agreed: it was the FBI that instigated the entire thing. This wasn’t the FBI’s only effort to gin up a domestic terror plot to inflame America with claims of widespread “white supremacy.” Jayson Chambers, one of the key agents in the FBI-concocted plot in Michigan, also urged an informant in that case to entice another unsuspecting target into attempting the same scenario in Virginia. And while the FBI was so heinously involved in creating these plots – a tactic they’ve used for decades, if you’re familiar with the history of the FBI – the FBI is surprisingly uninterested in preventing real political violence. As conservative media personality Steven Crowder recently recounted, he secretly worked his way into an Antifa group that planned to violently disrupt a conservative speaker on a college campus, using “plain clothes and hard tactics”: ice picks, combat knives, and guns. When he reported his findings to Jayson Chambers – the very same FBI agent involved in both the Michigan and Virginia plots – the FBI didn’t express any interest in pursuing the perpetrators. Of course, we saw this in the Justice Department’s yawning lack of interest in pursuing rioters and thugs over the summer of 2020, in which rioters and looters destroyed and stole billions of dollars in public and private property, killed innocent people, burned police precincts, and sustained a weeks-long occupation of several blocks in a major American city. So what is this new “domestic terrorism” task force really all about? The new “war on terror” is a war on the American people, and that means anyone who questions the official narrative. This legislation must be stopped – click here to send a letter to your U.S. Representative demanding they vote NO on HR 350! If this bill does pass the House, Republicans in the Senate can stop it … but we know they will find just enough votes to send it to Biden’s desk unless they hear the outcry of their constituents. And even though most Democrats in the House – over 200 of them – have cosponsored the bill (though not the four members of “the Squad” interestingly), they too need to be told this is a threshold they cannot cross. This is the elimination of the last remnant of civil libertarians in the Democrat Party, and they may regret it when the other shoe drops. We must make our voices heard. The “domestic extremism” narrative is a total failure. The American people don’t believe it. The big issues the American people care about are inflation and the economy, higher taxes and out-of-control food prices, not the so-called “domestic terrorist” bogeyman that only the most fanatical leftists believe. Tell your legislators in the House to VOTE NO on HR 350 and STOP the war on dissent in America! And after you’ve sent your directive, please chip in with a contribution of $20, $50, $100, or whatever amount you can so Campaign for Liberty can hold lawmakers accountable for their acts. For Liberty, Heather D. Campaign for Liberty P.S. This bill is coming to the House Floor soon. Don’t wait: Tell your U.S. Representative to VOTE NO on HR 350 and STOP the Deep State’s assault on the American people! ![]() The mission of Campaign for Liberty is
to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional
foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |
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