
The Left’s obsession with cancel-culture has taken down many conservative voices. But, as hard as they’ve tried they have never censored a principled, and unwavering America-First woman like Beth Van Duyne!

Beth has stood up to years of attacks from Democrats and liberal media because she’s defended the liberties and priorities of North Texans. She was put on the DCCC’s hit list, faces constant vulgarities from online trolls, and is a target the Democrats would love to remove.
Fortunately, Beth has dedicated, grassroots conservatives in her corner who know she won’t let us down no matter what is thrown at her.
Beth is not afraid to stand up for what we believe in, which is exactly why she worked on behalf of President Trump and is now fighting every day to expand American energy development, finish building the border wall, and protect our Second Amendment from the Left’s unconstitutional gun grabs.
Now, we just need to know - will you join President Trump, and hundreds of other conservatives to support Beth for another term in TX-24?

For an America-First House, 
Concerned Trump Voters