Mark your calendars for May 25th.
Shannon Liss-Riordan for Attorney General

John, this is it!

Three weeks ago Shannon called for a climate-focused debate because this crisis is the biggest threat facing our communities and it is imperative that we have an Attorney General who will tackle it head on.

Over 1,000 people signed onto our petition in support of the debate — making it clear that people all across our Commonwealth are deeply concerned about the climate crisis and are eager to know how state leadership, including Attorney Generals, are responding.

Now, we have a debate! On May 25th, 350 Massachusetts has graciously agreed to host a climate-focused debate between all the Democratic candidates for Attorney General.

We have also been hard at work knocking on doors, talking to people across the Commonwealth, and collecting signatures so we can make sure that Shannon is on the ballot in November.

Can you chip in now to help us keep up this momentum as the campaign continues to ramp up? May is going to be our most important month yet and we can’t slow down now!


This is when the campaign really starts picking up.

As we approach the signature filing deadline and with the Democratic Convention now just over a month away, we’re making the case to people all across the state about why Shannon is the best person to lead as our next Attorney General.

Our monthly fundraising deadline is in just three days. We have done some big things in April, John. Your support has made it all possible.

We are counting on your support to help us finish out April strong and hit these deadlines with everything we have. Will you make a contribution so we can continue ramping up our efforts as this campaign picks up steam?

In solidarity,

Team Shannon

P.S. If you live in Massachusetts, sign up to gather signatures with us to ensure that we hit our goal of 10,000 signatures and get Shannon on the ballot!