FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                    
April 27, 2022 
NEW DATA: Kansas Abortions Continue to Climb Under
Gov. Laura Kelly

(TOPEKA, Kan.) – Abortions in Kansas increased again last year under Democrat Governor Laura Kelly, according to new data from the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.

Kansas has seen an increase of nearly 13.5% in just three years as a result of Kelly’s policies making Kansas the abortion “sanctuary” of the Midwest. Nine hundred thirty-three more abortions were performed last year than in 2019, Laura Kelly’s first year in office.

“The drastic rise of abortions in Kansas under Laura Kelly is a direct result of her efforts to make the state a ‘sanctuary’ for late-term abortion,” said Shannon Pahls, Kansas GOP Executive Director. “Kelly chose to use her power in the governor’s office to keep abortion clinics and providers fully operational while shutting down other medical offices, schools, businesses, and churches across the state. Laura Kelly should be ashamed of the irreparable damage she has caused, all so she can keep the support of her abortion lobby donors.”

Paid for by the Kansas Republican Party.
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