From Union City <[email protected]>
Subject Hiring Hall: Death on the Job; The Toll of Neglect
Date April 27, 2022 9:48 AM
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Death on the Job: The Toll of Neglect

Workers' Memorial Day Mass

Labor On The Move: Nichalas "Nick" Cummings

Today's Labor History

Today's Labor Quote

Hiring Hall: DC-area union staff jobs!!

TODAY'S LABOR CALENDAR; [link removed] click here for complete and latest listings

Union City Radio: 7:15am daily
WPFW-FM 89.3 FM; [link removed] click here to hear today's report

Wednesdays with Warner for the PRO Act: Wed, April 27, 8:15am - 9:15am

Windmill Hill Park, 500 S. Lee St., Alexandria, VA

NoVA Labor Reception for Fairfax County Supervisor James Walkenshaw: Wed, April 27, 5pm - 7pm
Kilroy's, 5250 Port Royal Rd., Springfield, VA

[link removed] DC CLUW Chapter meeting: Wed, April 27, 6pm - 7pm

[link removed] Fairfax County Dems Labor Caucus: Wed, April 27, 7pm - 8pm

Our special guest is: Boaz Young-EL, VEA UniServ Director. Boaz led the successful effort to pass a resolution in the City of Richmond granting school employees the right to bargain collectively.

Union City Radio: Your Rights at Work: Thu, April 28, 1pm - 2pm

WPFW 89.3 FM or [link removed] listen online.

This week's guests: "The Wobblies" director Deborah Shaffer; Catholic Labor Network Executive Director Clayton Sinyai.

[link removed] Rally for Collective Bargaining Rights for Fairfax County School Employees: Thu, April 28, 6:30pm - 7:30pm

Luther Jackson Middle School, 3020 Gallows Rd, Falls Church, VA

[link removed] Pride at Work: Thu, April 28, 7:15pm - 8:15pm

Pride at Work is our support group for LGBTQ+ rights. Everyone is welcome!

[link removed] DC Domestic Workers Demand Dignity: Growing the Movement: Thu, April 28, 7:30pm - 9:00pm

Honoring Msgr. George Higgins: Sun, May 1, 11am - 1pm

St. Matthew's Cathedral, 1725 Rhode Island Ave NW in Washington DC. ([link removed]. map)

May Day Rally and March: Sun, May 1, 1pm - 4pm

Malcolm X Park (16th and Euclid St NW, Washington DC) to The White House ([link removed] map)

[link removed] Excluded Worker May Day for the New Labor Movement! Sun, May 1, 3pm - 6pm

Columbia Heights Civic Plaza; Excluded Workers are rallying this May Day! DC Jobs with Justice is inviting the whole DC community to show up in support and solidarity to uplift the struggles of excluded workers and the fight for $160 million in cash assistance.

FILM: THE WOBBLIES: Sun, May 1, 5:30pm - 7:00pm (Opening Night of the 2022 DC Labor FilmFest!)

AFI Silver Theatre and Cultural Center, 8633 Colesville Rd, Silver Spring, MD 20910

[link removed] INFO/TICKETS

Labor Night at the Nats: Fri, June 10, 7:05pm - 11:00pm
$17.00 per ticket; CSA will receive $2.00 per ticket sold.
[link removed] Click the link for a home run and purchase tickets: Josh Grohs, Account Executive, Group Sales (o) 202-640-7714 or [email protected]


Death on the Job: The Toll of Neglect

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect countless working people, with nearly 1 million deaths in the United States, the AFL-CIO on Tuesday released its 31st annual report, [link removed] Death on the Job: The Toll of Neglect, a national and state-by-state profile of worker safety and health. A few of the grim statistics include 340 working people died every day in 2020 because of hazardous working conditions; an estimated 120,000 workers died from occupational diseases; and while employers reported nearly 3.2 million work-related injuries and illnesses, underreporting is widespread--the true toll of work-related injuries and illnesses is 5.4 million to 8.1 million each year. "That's tens of thousands of families losing a parent, a child, a sibling, every single year," said AFL-CIO president Liz Shuler. "Latino and Black workers specifically remain at greater risk of dying on the job than all workers. That is, frankly, unacceptable."

Workers' Memorial Day Mass

Wilton Cardinal Gregory and "labor priest" Fr. Brian Jordan OFM marked Workers Memorial Day locally by celebrating a special Workers' Memorial Day Mass on Tuesday at St. Camillus in Silver Spring. Rank-and-file members and leaders of the unions of the Baltimore-DC Metro Building and Construction Trades Council, union leaders, safety personnel, OSHA officials attended, along with family, friends and elected officials who gathered to "honor and remember those that lost their lives in the past year on the jobsite in the District, Maryland and Virginia." photo by Dyana Forester

Labor On The Move: Nichalas "Nick" Cummings

The Baltimore DC Metro Building Trades Council welcomed their newest member last month when Nichalas "Nick" Cummings was hired on as [link removed] BTC Director. Cummings has been a union advocate and member of the Plumbers and Steamfitters Local 486 since 1999, becoming an instructor and Trustee for 486's Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee. He later became a recruiter and elected officer for local 486 where he established strong relationships with community-based organizations in Baltimore City and the surrounding counties. As Director, Nick has been entrusted to continue implementation of the pre-apprenticeship program and to increase recruitment of applicants by working with community organizations to establish pathways into union apprenticeship. "Nick's goal is to provide apprenticeship opportunities to disadvantaged residents of the District of Columbia, Maryland and Northern Virginia to provide family sustaining careers in our industry," said the BCT.

Labor Quote: Isaiah Thomas

"Amazon loves to brag about how they have a safe work environment, and if there are any issues, the workers can bring them up to management. However we do not work in a safe work environment, and every time we bring these issues up to management, we are not heard, which is why we're fighting so hard for our union at Amazon."

Thomas, an Amazon warehouse worker in Bessemer, Alabama, joined AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler during a video press conference yesterday outlining the findings of this year's [link removed] Death on the Job: The Toll of Neglect, along with AFL-CIO Safety and Health Director Rebecca Reindel and MJ Burke, first executive vice president of AFGE National VA Council.


Today's Labor History

This week's Labor History Today podcast: [link removed] The death of "Big Steve" Sutton; Last week's show: [link removed] Working on Earth Day.

April 27

First strike for 10 hour day, by Boston carpenters - 1825

James Oppenheim's poem "Bread and Roses" published in IWW newspaper "Industrial Solidarity" - 1946 (but originally published in December 1911)

President Dwight Eisenhower signs Executive Order 10450: Security Requirements for Government Employment. The order listed "sexual perversion" as a condition for firing a federal employee and for denying employment to potential applicants - 1953

April 28

Coal mine collapses at Eccles, W.Va., killing 181 workers - 1914

119 die in Benwood, W.Va. coal mine disaster - 1924

Congress creates OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. The AFL-CIO sets April 28 as "Workers Memorial Day" to honor the hundreds of thousands of workers killed and injured on the job every year - 1970.

- David Prosten.


Hiring Hall: DC-area union jobs, plus [link removed] click here for more listings !

[link removed] Headquarters Secretary, UMWA, based in Triangle, VA (in the Washington, DC metro area) (Posted: 4/20/2022) District of Columbia, Virginia


[link removed] Communications Specialist, AFGE, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 4/22/2022) District of Columbia (National search)
[link removed] Online Engagement Coordinator, LCV, location is flexible within the United States (Remote during COVID-19 pandemic through April 30) (Posted: 4/25/2022) District of Columbia

Info Tech

[link removed] Database Coordinator and Organizer, DC Jobs with Justice (4/26)


[link removed] Senior Staff Attorney - Forced Labor Programs, GLJ-ILRF (Global Labor Justice - International Labor Rights Forum), based in Washington, DC (remote work considered) (Posted: 4/25/2022) District of Columbia


[link removed] Senior Policy Analyst, SEIU (1199 SEIU United Healthcare Workers East), based out of Baltimore, MD (for covering Maryland/DC) (Posted: 4/25/2022) District of Columbia, Maryland
[link removed] UniServ Director, MSEA, available in Maryland (Posted: 4/20/2022) Maryland (National search)


[link removed] Organizing Director , DC Jobs with Justice (4/26)

[link removed] Labor Organizer, DC Jobs with Justice (4/26)

[link removed] Senior Garment Campaign Organizer, GLJ-ILRF (Global Labor Justice - International Labor Rights Forum), based in Washington, DC (remote work considered) (Posted: 4/25/2022) District of Columbia

[link removed] Senior Seafood Campaign Organizer, GLJ-ILRF (Global Labor Justice - International Labor Rights Forum), based in Washington, DC (remote work considered) (Posted: 4/25/2022) District of Columbia

[link removed] Full-time Organizer, HPAE (Health Professionals and Allied Employees/AFT), for covering New Jersey (Posted: 4/25/2022) Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia

[link removed] Lead Organizer, LIUNA-MAROC (Laborers' Mid-Atlantic Regional Organizing Coalition), based in the Washington DC/Northern Virginia area (DC, MD, VA) (Posted: 4/21/2022) District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia


[link removed] Government Relations Specialist, AAUP, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 4/26/2022) District of Columbia


Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source for all news items and as the source for Today's Labor History.

Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members. DYANA FORESTER, PRESIDENT.

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