Where is the moral compass?
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College Students Erect Memorial for Jihadi Terrorists ([link removed]) Where is the moral compass? Read ([link removed])
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Global Terrorism Index Released: The Results Might Surprise You ([link removed]) We are seeing the impact of the US fight on terror Read and Share ([link removed])
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News Analysis
CAIR's Support for Violent US Jihadi Criminal Group ([link removed]) Why would CAIR endorse this group? Read and Share ([link removed])
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News Analysis
Radical Imam Siraj Wahhaj in Arizona to Give Sermon to Kids ([link removed]) Where is the mainstream media? Read and Share ([link removed])
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Readers Write
NY Times Scrubs Word ‘Terror’ From Coverage of Killing of Islamic Jihad Leader ([link removed])
“They are not apologists, they are propagandists!!!”
- G.S.
Next Generation Islamist? Abrar Omeish Wins Virginia Election ([link removed])
“I believe anyone running in a city, county, state or country election must believe in our Constitution and Bill of Rights or shouldn't be allowed to run. If you believe in sharia law, you don’t believe in our Constitution!!”
- S.A.
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