HUGE NEWS! The Washington Post is reporting that President Biden met privately with House Dems and "gave his strongest indication yet that he is poised to take significant action to relieve student loans, a move that could include canceling tens of thousands of dollars in debt for some people."

This news comes just two weeks after White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki made big news saying student debt cancelation may happen ahead of the 2022 midterms -- with a decision being made by August 31!

This means RIGHT NOW is the time for the White House to see overwhelming public demand and grassroots engagement.

Sign the petition telling the White House you support canceling student debt now. (If you have student debt, tell us the impact it has on your life and what canceling it would mean to your finances.)

We are in frequent contact with the White House and will keep them updated as support for this petition grows! We are also informing the media.

Canceling student debt before the midterm elections could have a major impact on whether Dems keep control of Congress. New polling conducted by Politico and Morning Consult released earlier this month showed by a 2-to-1 margin, voters supported federal forgiveness of at least some student loan debt -- with 64% supporting and just 29% opposing the policy.

That's because people need help. Here are some stories shared by PCCC members:

Logan S. from WV: "I’m living paycheck to paycheck right now. Having that debt relief would let me open a savings account, or invest money, or put away for retirement... right now I'm one bad medical bill or broken car bill from bankruptcy."

Adrienne B. from AR: "I’m 71. Been paying on it for years. Retired on fixed income. The extra money would mean groceries & utilities."

Lee from OH: "I have $160,000 and I am 73 years old."

Join Logan, Adrienne, Lee, and thousands of others. Sign the petition urging President Biden to cancel student debt today. Click here.

Senator Elizabeth Warren has led the fight from Congress to urge the Biden administration to eliminate $50,000 of student debt per borrower. She says, "This is the single most powerful executive action President Biden could take to advance racial equity and give everyone in America a chance to build a future."

Right now -- while the White House is making the decision -- is the moment to make our voices heard.

Sign the petition telling the White House you support canceling student debt now. (If you have student debt, tell us the impact it has on your life and what canceling it would mean to your finances.)

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)




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