Why do you support Ian?

Let your voice be heard!

Give Ian your personal edorsement!
Help us get an endorsement from DFA by signing your name!
Democracy for America

Every campaign needs a little help from their friends. Our campaign is no different. Because we refuse to bend to the will of corporate interests and accept corporate PAC money, we have to fight and reach out to organizations that base endorsements on the volume of supporters. Help us attain an endorsement with the DFA, Democracy for America, today!


Personal Endorsements
Endorsements from organizations like the DFA are great and everything, but we care more about the personal endorsements from our constituents. After all, this campaign is about the entire community of CD6: what we've been through and what we're capable of achieving together. Let your voice be heard by writing a personal endorsement answering the question: why do you support Ian Todd? 

Write a sentence, a short paragraph, an essay, or a multi-part book series of support (We aren't actually enforcing the word limit). You can send your favorite photo of yourself to [email protected] to be included with your written endorsement.


Donating is also a wonderful way to show your support
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1974 Peach Dr NE
Sauk Rapids, MN 56379-4579

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