So much for the entire “storming the Capitol” narrative!
Freedom Watch


Support Freedom Watch On January 6th, the Leftists on CNN and MSNBC were screaming and pounding their desks over “treason”, “insurrection” and “deadly riots”.

And they kept that narrative rolling with the help of Joe Biden’s Gestapo-like thugs at the FBI and its Department of Justice who have been stalking and arresting patriots across the nation like my clients who had their homes raided in the early morning hours.

Help get them justice by backing their lawsuits today.

Earlier this month, U.S. District Judge Trevor McFadden, who is not even a good but rather a hack establishment federal judge I have appeared before in the past, was forced and had no choice but to acquit – based on clear evidence -- a January 6th protester of all counts and absolutely BLEW UP the narrative being played in the media by the Communists.

McFadden stated in his ruling that the Capitol Hill Police opened the doors for the protesters and let them in and it was reasonable for the defendant to enter the Capitol!

So much for the entire “storming the Capitol” narrative!


But the truth never stopped Hitler’s Gestapo, and nor has it stopped the Gestapo-like storm troopers of my once proud alma mater the Department of Justice and it’s FBI, and that’s why it’s so important that my clients fight back against the defamation and malicious prosecution that’s been destroying their lives at the direction of the Biden Regime! They are fighting not just for themselves, but also you and your loved ones, so as not to live under a leftist dictatorship!

Help secure justice for January 6th today!

As the founder of both Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, I know how to take on a corrupt government and win! I’ve been doing it for THREE DECADES!

And it all starts with reversing the fear that the government has engrained in the psyche of Americans since the 1920’s.

We must return to the mindsets of our Founding Fathers: government must fear the people!

And we can do that peacefully and in the courts with rabid, persistent litigation that EXPOSES them for who they are!

But that requires a war chest and funds are dwindling!

The supply chain crisis has impacted our fundraising and I’m relying on you to donate through this email and help us move forward with our cases.

Will you make an emergency donation today?

Any amount helps, but if you can donate $75 or more today, I’ll send you a copy of my newest book, It Takes a Counter- Revolution: Wake Up America, which provides a hard-hitting road map to defeating Biden and the left, which has taken total control over our lives and will tolerate no, repeat no, dissent!

Thank you for your patriotism and your willingness to fight against the Gestapo-like storm troopers of the Biden regime in Washington. Our fight only stops when we win!

With Respect and Gratitude

Larry Klayman
Larry Klayman
Founder of both Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch
Current Chairman and General Counsel of Freedom Watch, Inc.

Freedom Watch
2020 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Ste 345
Washington, DC 20006

