January 6 Was a Dress Rehearsal
Episode 108 Uploaded April 24: Trump is shoring up support in local legislatures in preparation for his
2024 run for the presidency while revelations of the continuing
domination of the GOP continue (including Kevin McCarthy’s lies and
craven subservience to Trump in the face of recordings of himself
acknowledging Trump’s role in leading the coup attempt). We share some
highlights from interviews over the past year with guests discussing the
January 6 coup attempt and implications for the future. Excerpted
interviews with Elie Honig, Dr. Jo-Marie Burt, Dr. Anthony DiMaggio, Dahlia Lithwick, Walter Masterson, and Dr. Samuel Perry.
We share voices from activists with Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights who traveled to Kentucky, the scene of the latest state-level showdown against abortion rights.
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Sam Goldman introduced the episode on the rolling effects of fascism, in this case in Florida:
Governor Ron DeSantis, CPAC’s favored backup if Trump isn’t able to run
in 2024, and the state GOP running the fascist state of Florida have
been on a roll these past weeks. After years of criminalizing dissent,
months of banning any discussion of racism or sex or gender outside of
the traditional white Christian cis hetero nuclear family or even things
like sharing in schools, now they are going after Disney as the
American fascist zeitgeist has centered on the company as Enemy Number 1
— well, after Black people, immigrants and LGBTQ people, of course.
This past week, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed a bill dissolving
Disney’s private government after the company criticized DeSantis’ law
that’s been dubbed “Don’t Say Gay” law. Very tellingly, Florida’s
lieutenant governor said, we might back off Disney if they change their
politics. This is but a taste of the vicious punishment of opposition
the Republi-fascists have their eyes on nationwide. It’s on us to refuse
Patricia Wallins, in Louisville KY on April 21 in protest of the complete ban on abortions there: You see, I was born in El Salvador in Central America. You may not know
that for the last 25 years abortion has been illegal in El Salvador.
There are women in prison right now, at this very moment now, serving
sentences of 30 or more years because they had a miscarriage or they had
a stillbirth. When I saw the women there taking to the streets
tirelessly, I felt like here I am, living in the US, and they’re there
in El Salvador, in Honduras and Nicaragua, Guatemala, Dominican
Republic, Mexico, where it’s unsafe just for being a woman. They’re not
staying silent. They’re protesting because they will not get tired of
denouncing the injustice until their rights can be guaranteed.
I never
thought that I was going to have to rally in the US for abortion rights.
They told me last week that Kentucky took away women’s rights to
abortion. So that’s why I’m here today with you to unite our voice and
make it stronger to say that we’re not going to stay in the home silent
when these assaults on women’s rights are happening. You being here
matters because women in Argentina, Colombia and Mexico they won the
right for abortion by showing up in millions to the streets, united by
the green bandana, by the color green. You being here matters. We will
not stay quiet, Kentucky. I want to thank you so much for caring enough
for the life of women. Rise up for abortion rights! [Crowd responds:
Rise up for abortion rights.]
Wear #Green4Abortion Rights! Support
Order the new logo print bandana & stickers on the RiseUp4AbortionRights shop
All proceeds support the movement to stop the Supreme Court from decimating women's right to abortion. Prices include postage. national team
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