Political Victory Fund


As most of you know by now, at the 11th hour of the legislative session, liberal legislators in Springfield passed HB4383. Knowing that this would be a strongly opposed bill, the legislature waited until 2:30 in the morning on the final day to pass the bill to ban individuals from making their own unserialized firearms for personal use. HB4383 is not about unserialized firearms, it is about keeping a record of your guns. 

It is our goal to find a way to prevent legislators from winning in the upcoming election if they voted for this bill, and we need your help to make that happen.

Will you donate $50, $100, $250 or $500 today to help us fund our work in this year’s election?

Your donations to the ISRA Political Victory Fund (ISRA PVF) are used to support our allies to help them return to Springfield and oppose those who are infringing on your constitutional right to own and bear arms in Illinois.

Click here to make a donation to help us fight for the candidates who will support your rights in Springfield.

Donate to ISRA Political Victory Fund

Thank you for your continued support of ISRA PVF.

The Illinois State Rifle Association Political Victory Fund
422 East Locust | PO Box 476 | Chatsworth,  Illinois 60921

The ISRA-PVF is a political action committee affiliated with the Illinois State Rifle Association. Donations to the ISRA-PVF are not tax deductible and are subject to the rules and regulations of the Illinois State Board of Elections. A copy of our report is available for a fee from the Illinois State Board of Elections, Springfield, IL.

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