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Dear Friend,
Evelyn came from Guatemala to the U.S. as an unaccompanied minor seeking asylum. Due to her father’s occupation as a police officer, her family was constantly threatened by dangerous gang members. She then began to receive direct threats and no longer felt safe going to school or staying in Guatemala.
Evelyn then met with an attorney at the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI). Since meeting with Evelyn, USCRI’s staff have filed her asylum application, while she continued to pursue her education in the U.S. and completed her high school degree. Our legal staff was able to successfully file for her work authorization permit, and due to this, she has achieved her dream of pursuing higher education by enrolling in college courses once her Employment Authorization Document and Social Security Number were granted. Additionally, she can now legally work to support her baby, as she has recently become a mother.

This success story would not have been possible without your help and the support of our highly trained legal staff. Melannie Sandoval, the Legal Assistant at our Washington, D.C. office, continues to help Evelyn with her asylum case. She joined USCRI’s legal team in March 2020. Melannie has a bachelor’s degree in Political Science and Criminology from the University of Florida. She is bilingual and well-trained in the immigration field, with experience working on humanitarian and family-based cases.

Beyond the office, Melannie has extensive work, leadership, and volunteer experience. She has been able to combine her connections with local community organizations and schools with her work at USCRI in fomenting partnerships and collaborations to present Know Your Rights presentations for D.C. immigrant youths and their families. Her experiences inspired her to pursue a career that creates meaningful change and advocates for the immigrant community.
Support our staff today as they continue to provide legal services to those in need of protection.

Thank you,

Kevin Sturtevant, CFRE
Vice President, Strategic Development
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