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What is V2G or Vehicle-to-Grid Technology for Electric Cars?

April 25, 2022

Alternative energy sectors are growing fast – electric vehicles, home batteries, and solar systems are reducing many households' dependence on fossil fuels and the grid. But this may be the tip of the iceberg. As our cars often sit idle for 95 percent of the day, why not profit off the energy in our EV batteries?

A new technology known as Vehicle-to-Grid or V2G would allow households and businesses to use electric vehicle batteries to power homes, businesses, and the national electric grid, similar to how homeowners with solar systems can sell their excess energy to the energy providers.


DIY Soup Stock: From Scraps to Deliciousness

April 11, 2022

Ever wonder what the key is to making delicious soups? It’s in the stock.

Slow cooking vegetables and meat unlocks rich, complex flavors as vegetables break down and bones release collagen. While there are many premade stocks and bouillons on the market, taking the time to make your own will produce a soup with a truly homemade flavor at a lower price.

We’ve shared a few recipes for soup stocks and broths in the past, including this veggie-forward version on Instagram and I Value Food, but we wanted to share a new favorite that’s been a super soup starter in the Sustainable America kitchens.


Sustainable America on Social

"id you know that one reusable bag can save an estimated 500 single-use plastic bags?! It is estimated that as many as 100 billion single-use plastic bags are thrown away annually in the United States. [cont.]"


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