Huge wins against the fossil fuel industry and there’s still more to come.

John – let’s take a moment to celebrate.

Our movement of millions has taken on corporate billionaires like Exxon, disrupted dirty energy projects across the planet, and starved the fossil fuel industry of a staggering $11 trillion through divestment.

We’ve achieved all of this together, taking on billionaire executives and challenging giant corporations against all the odds. But we can’t stop here; the climate crisis is still threatening our communities and our lives.

You can help keep this movement winning. If thousands of us chip in just a few dollars each, imagine what we could achieve in 2020. So, can we count you in?

John, the stronger our movement becomes, the more climate-wrecking corporations we can take on. Can you chip in today and help take down more fossil fuel giants?

You’ve been a huge part of these successes, John, so I didn’t want you to miss them. Here are just a few of the groundbreaking wins we’ve achieved together:

And we’re not just disrupting fossil fuel companies, John – together we’re starving them out. Our global divestment movement has already diverted $11 trillion of investment away from fossil fuel projects. Now we’re turning up the pressure on major banks, insurers and investors to cut ties with dirty energy and weaken its influence worldwide.

Together we've blocked corporate polluters at every turn: will you donate and help ramp up the action even further in 2020?

Sharing these successes with you is one of the highlights for me, John. But we both know that for every win, there are countless dirty energy projects being lined up for approval. Every day these corporate giants take us closer to climate chaos.

With enough support, we can block climate-wrecking corporations all around the world. Can you chip in today to help make it happen?

Thanks for your support,

P.S. Anything you can donate now will help power bigger, bolder actions than ever before. We have the ambition and vision, now we need the dollars to back it. If you can, please chip in today and make 2020 the year for radical climate action. is building a global climate movement. You can connect with us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and text 350 to 83224 to get important mobile action alerts. Become a sustaining donor to keep this movement strong and growing. Looking for other ways to get involved? Check out our map to see if there's a local 350 group or event near you.

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