
Since Rep. Beth Van Duyne took office and began defending North Texas in 2020, the Democrats have been after her with a vengeance. They put a target on her back by telling lies to the mainstream media, siccing the Democrat national committee on her, naming her Pelosi’s most bitter loss, and continuing to bring in mega-donors to fund Democrat campaigns across North Texas.

They’ve used digital ads, tv ads, fines, and even had Joe Biden personally come out against her. However, Beth is a proud Conservative woman who doesn’t back down. She knows the path forward for Texas doesn’t involve our nation under the control of Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, or AOC. 

Now, Beth is fighting even harder. She’s been given the responsibility to win back areas controlled by liberal Democrats and help other conservative candidates across North Texas. However, she can’t unseat them all on her own, which is why we are asking for your help to send a message: “We will never allow these Socialists to control North Texas!”

The Left isn’t going to stop until they are sent packing this November. The only way we will see it happen is if you PITCH IN HERE TO HELP BETH’S FIGHT!

We don’t have much time, and every day presents a new opportunity to pull ahead. Which is why we need you to rush in your support today so we can become one step closer to FLIPPING THE HOUSE AND FIRING PELOSI!
For a Red North Texas, 
Red Texas Committee