Call for Workshop Proposals

The Indiana Coalition to End Sexual Assault is excited to announce a call for workshop proposals for our upcoming 2020 Statewide Sexual Assault and Human Trafficking Conference.
Henry Ford was quoted as saying “ If everyone is moving forward together, than success takes care of itself.” Although he was speaking about leadership and success in the auto industry, the same sentiment rings true to end sexual assault and human trafficking; everyone must move forward together to create the change necessary to end this ongoing form of violence. As we move forward,  recognizing and committing to changing the widespread social inequities and norms that perpetuate sexual violence and human trafficking can only be done together.  So as we reflect and build on those words, the theme this year is “Moving Forward”. 

We are seeking innovative and progressive workshop proposals that reflect the advancement of the sexual assault and human trafficking field in the various valued disciplines. Proposals should describe successful programs and approaches that demonstrate ways in which Indiana is "Moving Forward" in working with all victims of sexual assault and human trafficking.
Workshop Proposals
Presentations will be organized by the following:


Sexual Assault Response Teams (SARTs)

  • Presentation submissions to Sexual Assault Response Team (SARTs) should describe efforts to transform response, medical intervention (SANE), accountability, transparency, safety, justice, criminal justice system.
Primary Prevention
  • Presentation submissions to Primary Prevention should describe efforts to engage communities in the primary prevention of sexual assault and human trafficking.
  • Presentation submissions may also include innovative and progressive work in the area of engaging men to help end sexual violence and human trafficking.
Working with Marginalized Populations
  • Presentation submissions to Working with Marginalized Populations should describe the unique and transformative efforts utilized to serve and provide resources to each individual within a marginalized  community with dignity and respect, recognizing each individuals diverse experience, trauma, and fear. 
  • Marginalized communities may include but are not limited too:
    • African American/Black Communities
    • Immigrant/refugee
    • Trans Communities
    • Survivors with disabilities
Alternative Justice
  • Presentation submissions to Alternative Justice should describe successful programs that focus on Transformative Justice and/ or Restorative Justice in the context of sexual violence.
  • Presentation submissions to Campus should describe new and advanced ways in which the campus community ( students, professors, admin, the system), is becoming part of the solution to end sexual violence and human trafficking. How are campuses "Moving Forward" in the work to end this violence?  
Anti- Trafficking
  • Presentation submissions to Anti-Trafficking should describe programs, policy, and/or approaches that focus on preventing human trafficking and transforming the criminal jutsice systems response to victims of human trafficking. Of particular interest for submission are proposals that focus on:
    •  Forced Marriage
    •  Vacatur for victims of human trafficking
Important Dates
Proposal Deadline: January 8, 2020

Proposal Template
Each workshop proposal must include:
  1. Title of the workshop
  2. Workshop organizers (name, affiliation and contact information)
  3. A short biography of the organizers
  4. Description of the sexual assault related issues covered, emphasizing the timeliness of the proposed workshop 
  5. Intended audience: advocates, law enforcement, prosecutors, SANEs, students, other
  6. Learning objectives & outcomes
  7. Planned format of the workshop
    1. Duration (Note: most workshops will be restricted to 1.5 hours, but please indicate if you believe you will require more or less time)
    2. Short description of how the workshop will run (for example: PowerPoint presentation + lecture, followed by discussion)
  8. If relevant, a description of past versions of the workshop, including name of presentation location, date, and number of attendees.
  9. If presenting a published paper, please include a link or attachment to the publication.
Submission Instructions
Proposal submissions should be sent to [email protected] as a PDF file attachment with the subject ICESA2020Conference_WorkshopProposal no later than 5:00pm on January 8, 2020. Early submissions are welcome and encouraged.
Please direct any questions or concerns to ICESA Training Coordinator at [email protected].
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