As scientists around the world are taking a stand and calling for urgent climate action, we know we can have the greatest impact right here in our own backyard. We cannot imagine life without our state's beautiful landscapes. Cleaning our dirty air, protecting public lands, switching to 100% renewable energy—these steps are critical to preserving our quality of life. So what can we do?
We're talking all about it at the first-ever live recording of our podcast, O2 & You! Come spend the evening with us, Patagonia SLC and special guests Caroline Gleich and Brittany Griffith for O2 & You: The Live Show!
Join us on Wednesday, May 4th at 7:00 p.m. for a live interview with Patagonia Ambassadors Caroline Gleich and Brittany Griffith, and learn how you can step into the spaces where the greatest impact is needed: elections, policy development, community education, and advocacy.
The live interview will be followed by a Q & A and a raffle. Enjoy snacks and beverages and get to know the likeminded individuals in your community who share your love for the environment!
We'll see you there,
o2 Utah