John — I am personally reaching out because you’ve been such a good friend to Heifer in the past.
Will you please renew your support today to help us reach our Africa Matching Gift Challenge by Thanksgiving?
I have seen the smiles and the tears of joy on the faces of families as they receive their Heifer animal … and right now, there are thousands of more families in Africa waiting for this very same opportunity to break free from this vicious cycle of hunger and poverty once and for all.
Right now, you hold the power to help 3x as many of them to fulfill this dream. Please, renew your commitment by purchasing an animal and having it TRIPLED through our Africa Matching Gift Challenge. Every $1 you give will be matched by $2 — making it $3 (or 3x) greater!
With deep gratitude,
Kimberly Perrow
Heifer International
--------Fwd Message--------
From: Donor Services, Heifer International
Subject: Re: Your Matching Gift
To: [email protected]
Dear John,
I’m reaching out before the weekend to urge you to take part in our Africa Matching Gift Challenge.
Every $1 you give today will be matched to become $3 through our special triple match! So $50 becomes $150, $100 will become $300 and $150 will become $450!
If we all chip in what we can, I know we can raise $1,400,000 by Thanksgiving — and have 3x as many cows, goats, chickens and pigs to give to families in need in Africa!
The gift of an animal can make all the difference in the world to a struggling family. It’s the difference between not knowing when you’ll get your next job, and having a steady income … or the difference between having to watch as your child cries themselves to sleep because they’re hungry, and being able to feed them three nutritious meals a day.
John, please extend a helping hand across the globe by renewing your support of Heifer today.
Help us meet our goal — we’ve already raised $383,298 (that’s more than 2,500 animals) — with your help, we can do this!
-- Heifer International |