Hi John,

Did you see the news that Elon Musk has bought Twitter? The Tesla CEO, and world’s richest man, has been on a mission to buy the company for some time. Musk is a self-described ‘free speech absolutist’ and his takeover is likely to have significant implications for how Twitter is run. 

We already know what absolutist ‘free speech’ social media platforms look like. HOPE not hate has spoken out extensively about the hate and conspriacy theories like Holocaust denial spreading like wildfire on alt-tech platforms like Gab, Telegram and Bitchute. In the name of ‘free speech’ they have far less safeguards than traditional social media platforms. In reality less voices end up being heard as hate like racist abuse, rape threats against women and further attacks against LGBTQ+ communities spread more quickly. 

When it comes to tackling hate, Twitter is far from perfect. But its current guidelines mean there is a process for removing hate from the platform. As a community, we’ve had real success in getting accounts spreading hate removed. Under Elon Musk’s leadership, this approach might potentially be at risk. 

This is why far right hatemongers like Tommy Robinson are already celebrating Elon Musk taking over Twitter. It's because their understanding of 'free speech' is the freedom to hate, abuse, attack and spread racism and lies, and they hope to be able to get back on the platform to do just that. 

With the world’s attention on Elon Musk’s takeover, now is the time to take action and call on him to keep hate off Twitter: sign our open letter to Elon Musk now.


We’ve seen time and time again how ill-informed opinions or outright lies like Holocaust denial and race science flood the debate on social media platforms in the name of ‘free speech’ and that ‘he who shouts the loudest’ (and it usually is a 'he') end up drowning out others, especially from minoritised communities. 

De-platforming isn’t always the right solution - but in terms of stopping extremists like Tommy Robinson and Britain First spreading their hate on social media, the anti-hate movement has made significant progress over the last few years. With Elon Musk buying Twitter, there’s a real risk that these groups could end up taking over once more. 

Together we can keep up the pressure on Elon Musk to do the right thing by keeping hate groups off Twitter - add your name to our open letter if you agree. 


Thank you for everything you do,


Nick Lowles
CEO, HOPE not hate