Cease Fire PA Action



I'm in the car right now heading to meet hundreds of Pennsylvanians who are demanding an end to gun violence. They come from 35 different counties. They are survivors, teachers, nurses, local officials, and residents tired of a world where the gun lobby sets the agenda in Harrisburg with disastrous consequences for the rest of us.

Since we last gathered in person like this, more than 4,500 Pennsylvanians have been killed with firearms. Tens of thousands of more have been injured or traumatized.

I need you to be part of today's action from wherever you are. Here's how:

  1. Share this link with friends. You can text it, tweet it, share it. Just get it out there for folks to use. https://ceasefirepa.salsalabs.org/kit
  2. At the bottom of this email is a button you can click to download graphics to share.

This link is a very brief form that will send your friends and family an automated email with three key steps on how to get involved in this work from wherever they are. 

Together, when all of us take action at once, our movement is deeply powerful. If we all push hard toward a future without gun violence, lawmakers might just hear us and take action.

We have a ton of work to do in the Capitol today, so help us out from home. I’ll email you later this week and give you a full update on our day of advocacy.

Adam Garber





P.O. Box 60095  | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102
215-923-3151 | [email protected]

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