Dear Friends,

As the days shorten and the temperature drops, we at Identity are grateful for the incredible young people we work with who warm us every day with their resilience and perseverance, despite anti-other rhetoric and policies.

Will you consider supporting the incredible promise of Identity youth by donating this #GivingTuesday?
See all the different ways Identity youth and families are experiencing success.
Give now to Identity's Year-End Appeal
You can donate online through our secure donor page or mail a check to Identity at 414 East Diamond Ave, Gaithersburg, MD 20877. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
All of us at Identity wish you a bountiful and warm Thanksgiving, with reminders of your blessings large and small.
Un fuerte abrazo,
Diego Uriburu
Executive Director
P.S. Identity assists thousands of students and disconnected youth living in high-poverty areas of Montgomery County, Maryland.  We work with them at school, in the community, and on the playing fields to help improve social-emotional skills and connection, achieve academic success, and prepare for work.  And they do. For instance, 99% of Identity’s elementary readers received grade C or higher, 75% of our middle school math students received grade C or higher, our High School Wellness Center students are feeling real, positive connection to their school (69% seeing school more positively) and 70% of older youth at the Youth Opportunity Centers who dropped out of school were reconnected to school or our GED program. 
United Way No. 9642             
        CFC No. 55422
DID YOU KNOW YOU CAN SUPPORT IDENTITY WHILE YOU SHOP? If you designate Identity (in Gaithersburg) as your charity of choice when you buy through, Identity receives a small portion of the proceeds of each purchase.
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