U.S. to boost green jobs, curb emissions by fixing old oil and gas wells

As many as 120,000 jobs could be created by fixing abandoned oil and gas wells leaking climate-warming methane into the atmosphere

Humanity on 'spiral of self-destruction' as disasters rise, UN warns

Disasters have cost an average of about $170 billion each year in the last decade but developing nations and their poorest people suffering disproportionately

Ukraine's betting on crypto to help fund the war. Is it working?

Over $100 million in cryptocurrencies has been donated to help Ukraine's war efforts, but with volatile value and lack of regulation, what impact does the currency really have?

Earth Focus: You Are Where You Live

What makes us sick? Environment and income, say doctors at California’s AltaMed clinic. From anxiety to diabetes, these patients’ stories show that when it comes to health, "the poor pay the price" of their poverty


OPINION: Content takedowns on social media facilitate censorship in Asia

Rules introduced in Vietnam, India, Bangladesh and Indonesia over the past year enforce shorter and stricter time frames for tech companies to remove content, to the detriment of people’s right to freedom of expression and information.

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