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Tuesday, April 26th, 2022

The Ukraine War Is a Racket

Ron Paul, MD

Dr. Scott W. Atlas: An American Hero

Cherie Zaslawsky

The Moskva Riddle

Pepe Escobar

The Way We Were

Robert W Malone MD, MS

The Answer Is in C. S. Lewis

Bionic Mosquito

The United States Approaches Its End Time

Paul Craig Roberts

Vax, Ivermectin or Detox? Beware of Caretakers Bearing Potentially Deadly Chicken Soup

Wayne Lusvardi

Shocks to the System

James Howard Kunstler

Media – RiceTVx: The U.S. Dollar vs WEF’s Globalization Agenda

Tom Luongo

Major Riots Against Macron Throughout France Over Questionable Election

Martin Armstrong

Irish Natives Shoved Aside as Govt Moves To Buy Homes for Refugees

Peter Caddle

Resist the Carrot: The Steady Slide Into a Cashless Society

Mason Lawlor

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