Please help TheyWorkForYou continue to hold Parliament to account
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** Help TheyWorkForYou continue to hold Parliament to account
TheyWorkForYou is currently operating without dedicated funding — and that’s a problem. To keep it running for the next twelve months, we’re going to need your help.
So we’ve set up mySociety’s first ever crowdfunder ([link removed]) .
If you enjoy — or even rely on — TheyWorkForYou’s service, please do consider being a democracy hero and pledging to help keep the site alive.
Make a donation now ([link removed])
** Now more than ever, the UK needs clarity over what’s said and done in Parliament.
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As political activity becomes more complex, and has more effect on all of our lives, TheyWorkForYou's remit becomes all the more critical.
However, just keeping the site going on a daily basis takes a substantial amount of staff time and expertise, not to mention the costs involved in hosting a heavily-visited website.
So if you’re in a position to do so, please put on your democracy superhero cape and donate to help keep TheyWorkForYou running ([link removed]) .
And if you can't donate right now, then you can also help by sharing the link to the crowdfunder ([link removed]) far and wide.
** Thank you very much.
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