
2018 was the fourth-hottest year on record, topped only by 2015, 2016, and 2017. Catastrophic fires and hurricanes struck the U.S. over and over again, yet the president’s response to this ongoing disaster has been to tweet inanities about the weather.

This is not a new trick. The president engages in denial for the same reason that so many other right-wingers do: Special interests with a stake in burning carbon donate huge sums to conservative politicians and expect those lawmakers to remember who put them there once they head to Congress. So far, the strategy has been a smashing success for Big Oil, which doesn’t care about what’s happening on our coasts and in our oceans so long as the profits keep rolling in.

You and I both know how serious an issue climate change is, and I’m fed up with the special interests calling the shots. To fight back against the fossil fuel lobbyists flooding Congress with dark money, I started Oceans PAC, an organization dedicated to electing a Congress that demands action on climate change and ending dark money’s corrupting influence on our government.

Kicking the climate change deniers out of Congress isn’t going to be easy, and we’re all going to have to step up to make sure lawmakers elected in 2020 prioritize climate action.

The health of our oceans and coasts depends on engaged citizens like you demanding a better future. Thank you for taking part in this fight.


Senator Sheldon Whitehouse