The current system of electing the President is broken because "the only voters whose opinions are worthy of concern are the ones who live in about a half-dozen swing states," according to the Washington Post.

They say the 2020 presidential election is likely to be decided in about 5 closely-divided states -- Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Florida.

We believe voters in every state should matter when we elect the President.

Politico and the Cook Political Report identify these same 5 states as being the "important" or "key" states in 2020. Of course, it's possible that a couple of other states may also become "important" (perhaps New Hampshire or North Carolina).

The reason voters in over 40 states aren’t “important” is because of the way the Electoral College works today. States control their electors and have passed laws awarding all of their electoral votes to the candidate who gets the most votes in their states. These “winner-take-all laws” mean presidential candidates can safely ignore voters in states where they are comfortably ahead or hopelessly behind. That's why, as the Washington Post article says, "If you live in Texas or California or South Dakota or New York or Oregon or Mississippi or any other state where the presidential election is unlikely to be close, you just aren’t that important."

The National Popular Vote bill is the way to fix our broken system through state legislation. The bill replaces current winner-take-all laws and guarantees the Presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

Under National Popular Vote, every vote in the country would be equal. This would make every voter in every state politically relevant in every presidential election.

Please take a moment and use our convenient email system to send emails to your state legislators asking them to pass the National Popular Vote bill in your state.
Help promote National Popular Vote by writing a letter to the editor or an op-ed in your local paper.
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Your donation to the non-profit National Popular Vote organization enables our traveling and local representatives to meet with state legislators around the country on a year-round basis. We meet with virtually every state legislator and the numerous people and organizations that influence them. We also do extensive public relations and educational efforts. The National Popular Vote organization is a non-profit corporation. We can't do these things without supporters like you.

The National Popular Vote bill would guarantee the Presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.