Dear Friend,
We know we’re living in challenging times, burdened by the inequities in our system and trying to stave off the serious threats to our democracy and our fundamental rights. That’s why organizing is so important right now here in Maryland and around the country! We’re very inspired by the news of what advocates, workers, and activists are doing: from Earth Day actions last Friday that brought people into the streets, to the union organizing that’s happening at Amazon facilities, Starbucks stores, college campuses (including locally at AU and the University of Maryland), at hospitals, and at manufacturing plants and coal mines. Public support for unions is now at historically high levels and that’s good news!
We’re organizing ideas and people, and tapping into people’s strong desire for change - and we need you to spur others into action. On the immediate front, please get involved with our election campaigns: donate your time or money; door knock and talk to voters; take a shift at an early voting site, or sign up to phonebank. Please check out the Maryland Elections and Candidate Corner section to learn more about getting involved. Let’s transform Maryland politics together! In Solidarity, The Progressive Maryland Team |
Become a Progressive Maryland Member
If you care about the organizing efforts shared in this memo, please support our work by becoming a Progressive Maryland member today! Our members power our grassroots community outreach efforts. We provide flexible membership categories — folks can choose the level of support that works for them. Learn more about the benefits of being a member and how to join at!
2022 Maryland Elections: The statewide Gubernatorial Primary Election will be held Tuesday, July 19. Please vote for Governor and for each and every office that’s on the ballot, up and down the ticket. Key dates in the election timeline: - Register to vote (not yet registered or if you moved): Tuesday, June 28
- Early Voting: Thursday, July 7 – Thursday, July 14 Check your County Board of Elections for locations
Mail In Option: Request a ballot until July 12 - Click here to learn how you can request a mail-in ballot.
- Tuesday, July 19: Primary Election Day
There’s no time to waste to build support for progressive candidates running on our issues. We’re knocking doors and running phone banks to reach voters across the state.. People power makes the difference for grassroots candidates so sign up today!
Visit to sign up to volunteer with us and the candidates campaigning on core progressive values. We’ll provide the training and support you need, so all levels of experience with voter outreach are welcome. If you have experience, we could use your help training new folks.
Check out Throwdown Thursday phonebank from 6–8pm. Click this link to let us know you’ll join! You’ll meet some great folks, and we’ll show you how it’s done. 🗳 Candidate Corner: Earth Day Momentum
Many of our candidates attended or hosted events over Earth Day weekend ranging from park and creek cleanups to garden builds and community festivals. Some have recently received endorsements from key local and state environmental groups. - Del Sheila Ruth (D-44B) received the endorsement last week of the Maryland League of Conservation Voters.
- William “Billy” Reid who is running for Delegate in D-3 got the endorsement of Sunrise Frederick.
- Natali Fani Gonzalez, running for Montgomery County Council District 6 received the endorsement of the Sierra Club.
- Laurie-Anne Sayles, running for an At Large Montgomery County Council seat, also got the Sierra Club’s endorsement.
All of these leaders are committed to working on the urgent, bold, and equitable solutions we need to address the climate crisis. Candidate Events
Tuesday, April 26 | 7:30-9:00 PM | Candidate Forum Council District 4 Montgomery County (in-person or virtual)
Greater Silver Spring Democratic Club and partners sponsor a hybrid event to hear from candidates running in the new District 4, including Kate Stewart who Progressive Maryland just endorsed! Event will be moderated by Josh Kurtz, Founding Editor, Maryland Matters. Register here to attend in person. Register here to attend via Zoom. Learn more at the Facebook event page.
Progressive Maryland recently announced a number of new endorsements of candidates running in Montgomery County, Prince George’s County and Baltimore County. Congratulations to these progressive candidates and campaigns — follow along as we celebrate these endorsements on social media!
Statewide & Federal Updates:
🩺 Medicare for All
Momentum is building — help us keep it going! More than 120 Democratic Members of Congress have signed on to sponsor the Medicare for All Act (H.R. 1976), including Maryland House Members: Rep. Jamie Raskin, Rep. John Sarbanes, Rep. Anthony Brown, and Rep. Kweisi Mfume! Let’s push the other Democratic Members to get on board, too, Please take a moment and urge them to join their Maryland colleagues in sponsoring this landmark legislation l bill at
We’re excited that Sen.Sanders will introduce his Medicare For All companion bill in the Senate next week and that he plans to hold a hearing in the Budget Committee. Please contact Malcolm or Patty to get involved in our efforts to organize for Medicare for All in the coming months. We need your help to step up our grassroots campaigning!
🏥 Medical Debt
The Biden Administration has taken action to lessen the burden of medical debt in this country. It’s good to see these measures being taken and the increasing attention to the medical debt crisis — medical debt is now the largest source of debt that are in collections, and because of racial health disparities its strain is most acute for Black and Latino households. Countless studies have demonstrated that fear of incurring debt leads people to postpone or avoid seeking the medical care they need, which results in conditions going undiagnosed and untreated which is harmful to individual and public health Providing some relief is good, but the best way to address this crisis is to move toward a single-payer healthcare system where Americans don’t need to worry they won’t be able to pay for medical treatment they need.
Local Updates: Progressive Harford:
Thank you to the 25 people who attended Progressive Harford County's historic first chapter meeting last week! We had a great conversation about endorsing local candidates, setting up our Chapter procedures and what’s possible for grassroots progressives. Our next meeting is on May 16 and the registration link will be sent out soon. Contact Zack to learn more or get involved. Progressive Montgomery:
We had a wonderful Earth Day celebration and canvass on Saturday for PM endorsed candidates Laurie-Anne Sayles, who is running for a County Council At-Large seat, and Natali Fani Gonzalez who is running to represent District 6. Thanks to all our members and supporters who came out to knock doors and talk to voters! Special shout out to Local 1994 for bringing a great team to boost our efforts! Contact Tanya or Patty for more information about our election efforts in Montgomery County during this critical Democratic Primary.
State and National News:
A lot of news -- disasters, war, economic and social injustice, climate decline -- just thumps you in the noggin and leaves you stunned and feeling helpless. In this weekly blog post we try to round up news from Maryland and the federal government that offers you a path to make change. Still feeling kind of surrounded and alone? News you can use shows how people acting together makes bigger change, so join Progressive Maryland to open that window. Wider.
Events From Progressive Maryland & Our Allies:
Saturday, June 18 | 10 AM (Washington, DC) — We’re still a couple months out, but the Poor People’s Campaign is organizing a Poor People’s and Low-Wage Workers’ Assembly and Moral March on Washington & to the Polls in June! This event will be a declaration of the power of poor and low-wealth people to say this system is killing us, and it’s time to change it. Learn more and RSVP here.
Don't forget to follow us on social media! |
Progressive Maryland P.O. Box 6988 Largo, MD 20792 United States
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