Did you hear the BREAKING NEWS? GOP Leader and EXPOSED RINO McCarthy, in leaked audio, to Never Trumper Liz Cheney, said Trump should RESIGN as our POTUS!
Laura Loomer for Congress


Help Laura Win!Did you hear the BREAKING NEWS? House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy was just caught on leaked audio telling Never Trumper Liz Cheney that President Trump should have RESIGNED as our POTUS following Janury 6th 2021!

I wish I could say I’m surprised, but . . . I was RIGHT!

McCarthy is an embarrassment and a traitor to the GOP, and he is as spineless as they come in this pathetic political climate.

You know me as an America First conservative, a fighter, and the woman who the Left FEARS most! That includes the Big-Tech Tyrants, the Communist Squad, and RINO POSTER-CHILD KEVIN MCCARTHY! That's why Kevin is going all in for my opponent, Do Nothing Dan Webster.

The Establishment knows I’m leading the America First HOSTILE TAKEOVER OF THE GOP. And they know that you and millions of other patriots around the nation are ready to join me, so we can take back our party, and take back our country!

Chip in today and join my movement, to help me win a seat in Congress so I can take this fight directly to the Establishment in Washington!

Back in January, when I arrived at the Ritz Carlton and confronted and exposed Kevin McCarthy at his NRCC Donor Retreat, I shook his hand firmly. I didn’t let go of his hand until I was done speaking . . . and continued to clench it harder and harder as I looked deep into his eyes and told him, “I look forward to serving in Congress next year.

When Kevin asked me why I’m primarying Dan Webster, I returned a question, asking, “You know that Dan Webster didn’t support President Trump in the second impeachment, right?”

McCarthy didn’t seem to care, and he excused Webster’s lack of support for President Trump and his chronic absenteeism. Now we know why! McCarthy, the NRCC, and Webster were in with the Democrats in wanting Trump GONE!

Yeah, you heard that right; McCarthy (who is ALL IN on my opponent) wanted President Donald J. Trump GONE! That is inexcusable, and it's way past time we start cleaning house in the GOP.

McCarthy is a fake, pathetic, and weak establishment puppet. He is far from America First, and he has NEVER supported President Trump.

I did, I do, and I will!

It’s time we elect Constitutional conservative fighters like myself who will stand up for the people they were elected to serve, not the DC Elite. Not the powerful lobbyists. Not the special interests. We should only serve YOU!

This is OUR Republican Party, folks.

The GOP is full of self-serving politicians who could not care less about the America First base, and they are completely out of touch with our country, our founding principles, and reality.

We need to rid the Republican Party of these globalist, Country Club RINOs and their “let them eat cake” mentality.

They embrace turncoats and protect RINOs every chance they get, and they actively stab President Trump and the American people in the back with zero regard for the everyday working-class voter!

America is on life support, which is why it’s time to REPEAL and REPLACE Republicans who have turned their back on us!

And that’s exactly why I’m running against RINO incumbent Daniel Webster in Florida.

He’s one of them, and I’m one of you . . . are you in?

Donate here and join the Hostile Takeover of the GOP!

Thanks so much for all that you do!


Laura Loomer




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Laura Loomer for Congress Inc
720 Lucerne Ave, #1465
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