Hey John,
Since it was Earth Day recently and everyone was talking about climate change, let’s have an honest conversation about what the science is actually telling us.
A new UN climate report predicts that climate change is rapidly getting worse, and will cause devastating human suffering, unless we take immediate action. I believe a key solution is getting massive wildfires under control. Here’s why:
Here in California, we already have some really important climate change laws on the books to aggressively reduce our carbon emissions. But want to hear something crazy? Just one single fire season in 2020 wiped out two decades worth of our carbon progress!
Electric vehicles, recycling and carbon sequestration are great, but they don’t do much of a dent if massive uncontrolled wildfires become the norm.
We’re coming up on another big fire season and we have to be prepared. Short term, we have to get our firefighters the resources they need. (Sidenote: thank you President Biden for signing our firefighter raise into law so we can fill our firefighter shortage). Long term, we have to clean up our forests to make them more fire resilient.
There is no one-size-fits-all approach, but if we come together community-by-community and elect leaders who are willing to listen to science and take action, I know we can make a difference for the next generation.
I can tell you one thing - we’re never going to get anywhere if Republicans take back control so please rush in a donation right now so we can keep the House blue!
Thanks for listening,