We need the resources to push for every single vote these next 8 days, and your $27 will go a long way.

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Hello Somebody!

We wanted to take a minute to reach out before a big week of campaigning.

There are just 8 days left to go until this special election, and we are being pummeled by more than $2 MILLION in outside spending, from at least SIX different groups — including Super PACs funded by an oil oligarch and a cryptocurrency billionaire.

You don’t need us to tell you that is a LOT of money — and there’s no sign it’s going to slow down before Election Day. So we’re counting on you to help us fight back against this onslaught of Big Money and send Nina Turner to Congress. What do you say?

Will you please make a $27 contribution to Nina Turner for Us? We need the resources to push for every single vote these next 8 days, and your $27 will go a long way.


Our campaign is run a little differently than most. We’re not taking a dime from corporate PACs — not the pharmaceutical industry, not the oil industry, NONE of those mega-corporate interests. Instead, we’re fueled by tens of thousands of working people like you.

We’re incredibly proud of that fact, but it also means we need your support in order to win this race:

We’re out knocking doors, making phone calls, and reaching people everywhere we can in order to bring this thing home in these final 8 days, but we cannot do it without you. Please, make a donation today >>>


This race has not been easy, and the next few days will require us to work harder than ever. We need everyone to do everything possible to bring this thing home.

If we do this together and all of us put a little extra on our ordinary, we are going to win.

With these hands,

Team Turner


Paid for by Nina Turner for Us

Nina Turner for Us
PO Box 91956
Cleveland, OH 44101
United States

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