Hi friend,
This May, hundreds of councillors across the UK are standing for election. They have the chance to make a real difference to people's lives, and help ease the stress of the cost of living crisis, but only if we make them.
Across the UK £4.4 billion is now owed in council tax back-payments. Council tax debts can pile up fast, if you miss one monthly payment you could become liable for the whole year. At the beginning of the month council tax rates increased across the UK, by as much as five percent in some areas.
On top of this, many councils use bailiffs to collect these debts. A visit from a bailiff is one of the most stressful parts of dealing with debt. The last thing people need in this situation is bullies knocking the door down.
An estimated 1 in 3 bailiffs break the rules. It’s time councils ban the bailiffs.