Big News: newly leaked emails from Stephen Miller show he didn’t just work with Breitbart -- he helped direct their coverage in 2016, and conspired to hide his involvement.
In a shocking series of leaked messages, Stephen Miller authored a press release about how “immigration will outpace American population growth,” conspired with Breitbart to hide his participation, and then used the Senate Immigration Subcommittee byline to add legitimacy to his white nationalist talking points.
There’s no grey area here — the “great replacement” conspiracy theory serves as the basis for countless white nationalist terror attacks and hate crimes. And Stephen Miller pushed it to millions of people.
That’s just the tip of the iceberg. As the mastermind behind Donald Trump’s deportation regime, Miller frequently passed Breitbart racist and xenophobic pro-Trump articles with instructions to rewrite and republish them under the Breitbart banner.
In the series of leaked emails, Stephen Miller displayed almost executive control over Breitbart's issue placement — repeatedly demanding that Breitbart push racist attacks against Trump opponents, conspiracy theories about election integrity, and hit pieces carefully selected by the Trump team.
Stephen Miller’s white nationalist ideology isn’t merely shocking. It’s dangerous. It’s gotten people killed in places like El Paso and Charleston. As long as he remains in power, millions of people across the country remain in danger. That’s why this petition is so important.
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