Cease Fire PA Action



This time tomorrow, I’ll be surrounded by hundreds of advocates for a life free from gun violence in Harrisburg.

They will be from across the political spectrum; come from rural, suburban, and urban areas of this Commonwealth. And they all want to end gun violence

They will push to end a deadly streak: 1,292 days since meaningful gun legislation has been passed or even had a vote. 

That cannot continue. Add your name to theirs and demand action.

For the kids who have died from unintentional shootings and community violence, the mothers turning mourning into political action, and the communities that have never gotten to experience peace, we must use our voices.

Click here right now to tell your elected representatives that you demand action right now on gun violence. Tell them it is a top priority for you at the voting booth.

Dozens of policies that have already saved lives elsewhere are awaiting action. They are proven, and widely supported. Too many in the General Assembly are refusing to take action, refusing to even discuss life-saving legislation. You can change this.

Take two minutes right now to stand shoulder to shoulder with us. We’re going to the Capitol tomorrow to meet with lawmakers, and we need all hands on deck.

Adam Garber




P.O. Box 60095  | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102
215-923-3151 | [email protected]

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