Both Wade Burleson and City Elder’s president, Jesse Rodgers, made this point well last Tuesday evening.
These are the pathways for the future greatness of Oklahoma and the nation.
This Wednesday, Steve Anderson will be revealing his reviews of what appears to be systemic failures on the part of the many Oklahoma’s governmental institutions tasked with oversight of the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH). Institutions which continue to allow troubling and costly fiscal issues at the OSDH.
The integrity of the audits on the state's institutions impact the personal welfare of the private citizen. When government bonds are sold based on incorrect audits, the citizen is being scammed.
The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) exists to protect the citizen against fraudulent audits. Our program this Wednesday will be taking us into the heart of how this has been working in Oklahoma's Department of Health and the many agencies responsible for its fiscal oversight.
I look forward to seeing you then!