25 April is a day for the world to come together and recognise that if we keep up our efforts, we can end malaria.
Never before has there been as many tools available to fight this deadly disease, we just need the investment and commitment from world leaders so we can roll them out to get them to the right people, to ultimately save millions of lives.
This World Malaria Day we’re celebrating the innovations that could take us closer to ending malaria than ever before.
Read more about some of the latest innovations in today’s Times and Guardian’s Media Planet, & Independent.
Ahead of this autumn’s 7th Replenishment of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and malaria we’re urging the British Government and other countries around the world to pledge financial support so we can ensure that we end this deadly disease in a generation. The UK has always played a critical role in the battle to eradicate malaria from the planet, and so it should continue.