
At our 2019 Statewide People’s Assembly, we endorsed Elizabeth Warrren for president.

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“We are proud to announce that the New Florida Majority is endorsing Senator Elizabeth Warren as our presidential candidate for 2020. Senator Warren's meticulous focus on centering the most vulnerable constituencies really resonated with our members. She has shown a commitment to work and plan for a brighter tomorrow.” - Dwight Bullard, Political Director of the New Florida Majority


“The stakes are too high for millions of Floridians in 2020. We’re prepared to support whoever the candidate is to defeat Trump and his agenda of inequality and division, and our members believe Elizabeth Warren is the best candidate for the job. We are ready to mobilize our communities in support of Elizabeth Warren to ensure her plans for big structural change become a reality that improves our livesIn 2018, a candidate who ran for everyone who was ever told they didn’t belong saw a historic surge in democratic voters. In 2020, we’re going to continue to build power and turn around the state and the country.” - Andrea Mercado, Executive Director of the New Florida Majority


Forward to Victory,
Dwight Bullard
Political Director
New Florida Majority


New Florida Majority
10800 Biscayne Blvd. Suite 1050
Miami, FL 33161 United States