Water companies are failing us. It's time to make them Cut the Crap. No images? Click here ![]() Hello , I wanted to share a health report we received recently that made me so angry. It's from somebody who was severely ill for seven months, after just one day surfing in polluted water. It's not just his illness that appals me. It's the water companies' denial, even in the face of multiple doctors' diagnoses. Water companies need to CUT THE CRAP now. Will you make them clean up their act with our DONATION-DOUBLING appeal? That's one donation, with twice the impact. That's a disease which normally clears up in a week. But William was eventually sent to the Hospital for Tropical Diseases, and it was June 2021 – a full seven months – before he was clear of the disease. William contacted the water companies in the area to discuss sewage pollution and his health, but was met with answers of "this must be severe food poisoning" despite his doctors confirming that for a case that severe it can only have come from the polluted water. They ignored William, but they can't ignore us all if we act together. WITH YOUR DONATION MATCHED, WE CAN DOUBLE YOUR VOICE. Water companies display their contempt over and over again. Contempt for you, contempt for the environment, and – can you believe? – contempt for medical professionals. They're clearly not interested in following the science… ![]() And William's case isn't a one-off. Reports like these are becoming far too common. Why should water companies get away with lining their own pockets at the expense of your health? Or the health of your loved ones? This crap has got to stop. At once. Water companies can't just wash their hands of their severe daily threat to your health. Will you make them own up to their responsibility today? Thank you, ![]() Amy Slack, Head of Campaigns and Policy, Surfers Against Sewage ![]() |