Designate Cartels as Terrorists! SIGN THE PETITION >>
Dear Fellow Conservative,

I was the first member of Congress to demand that we officially designate drug cartels along our southern border as Foreign Terrorist Organizations.

Since then, many of my patriotic colleagues have voiced their support, but we are still yet to pass the Drug Cartel Terrorist Designation Act. 

These cartels hang, behead and burn people alive to threaten and control government officials and communities in Mexico. They have started to bring those dangerous tactics here to the United States.

These criminal organizations endanger American citizens, our Mexican neighbors, and the immigrants who seek to come here. They treat human beings like cattle, trafficking them — as well as deadly narcotics — across our border every single day.

To make matters worse, they're growing even more powerful, wealthy, and brazen as a result of Biden's self-inflicted border crisis. We need to get serious, treat cartels like the terrorists they are, and give law enforcement even more tools to bring them down.
The "Drug Cartel Terrorist Designation Act," (H.R. 2600) would formally designate the Reynosa/Los Metros faction of the Gulf Cartel and the Cartel Del Noreste faction of Los Zetas as Foreign Terrorist Organizations under federal law. The State Department would be required to send reports to Congress on additional cartels that meet the criteria for FTO designation.
The Drug Cartels are Terrorists. Sign if you agree>>
Patriots have to rally together to call out the woke, leftwing Open Border BS. Will you sign my petition to officially designate cartels as terrorist organizations?

Designating cartels as terrorists will force the Biden Regime to stop ignoring the problem. It will give law enforcement much needed tools to go after the fentanyl pouring across our border and destroying lives.

So please sign and share this petition. Let's get as many signatures as we can so we can send Congress and Joe Biden a message: stop playing nice with these terrorists!

For Liberty,

Chip Roy
U.S. Congressman, TX-21
TAKE ACTION: Sign the Petition >>
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