From Douglas Carswell <>
Subject The War on the West – Douglas Murray talks about how we can defend America and the West
Date April 23, 2022 12:44 PM
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Dear Friend,

America has been a force for good in the world.

American science and innovation have lifted living standards around the globe. US military might helped defeat German militarism in the first World War, the Nazis in the Second World War and then Soviet Communism during the Cold War.

Many other great powers in history used their strength to bully weaker nations. The United States instead has established an international order that has elevated the condition of most of humankind.

Yet many young Americans are being taught to despise their own country.

A culture war is being waged against America. Instead of appreciating what has made America so exceptional, radical progressives have launched a vicious assault on America’s past, present and future.

Douglas Murray, the Fox News contributor and associate editor of the Spectator, will be explaining what we need to do to fight back. He will be here in Jackson on May 5^th.

Book your ticket to listen to him HERE. ([link removed])

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While progressives seek to find every form of grievance against America, they never apply the same standards to other countries. As Douglas Murray has put it, “Inspite of all the unimaginable abuses perpetrated in our own time by the Communist Party of China, almost nobody speaks of China with an iota of the rage and disgust poured out daily against the West from inside the West.”

Douglas Murrays’ new book is a wakeup call. It not only shows the absurdity of those that promote their ‘woke’ creed of cultural relativism. Murray shows us how we can safeguard our future against the progressive’s toxic attacks.

If you book your ticket today, you will get a free copy of Douglas Murray’s new book, "The War on the West."

I hope to see you on May 5^th!

Douglas Carswell
President & CEO

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