Want to know the number one way that you can help our campaign? 


Knock doors with us. RIGHT NOW!


Look, I get it. Canvassing door to door is hard. It’s hot, it’s a lot of walking, and it can be intimidating to approach people at their homes. But we have no choice–this is how we win, and we’re going to make it FUN!  


So if you're angry about what went down in Florida this week, come canvass with us this morning. Click the volunteer button below to sign up to join us in Riverview at 10am. Click here for the Facebook event link with the details.



The Republican campaign apparatus in Florida is hard core, and they never let up on canvassing door to door. So we can’t let them be the only ones out there spreading their message. WE have to get out there and hit the pavement if we're going to WIN this November. We have to talk with voters about what we’re doing to protect their rights, their livelihoods, their businesses, their homes, their children–everything that matters to them that the Republicans are working to dismantle. 


Knocking doors is the single most effective way to connect with voters, so we have to do it to make sure that our neighbors know my name and my record, make sure their voter registration is up to date, and get out and VOTE this November. 


Let’s go WIN!