
🚨 Fantastic news!

The absurd, tyrannical mask requirements that Arizonans and Americans were forced to deal with every time we stepped on a plane are OVER!

In case you missed it, a Trump-appointed federal judge ruled that the CDC exceeded the agency’s authority with a mask mandate on planes, trains, and buses. Conservative movements like ours here in Arizona kept the pressure on, and now another blow to the Lockdown Leftists’ agenda has just been dealt!

Once again, we are seeing the importance of appointing judges that will actually follow the Constitution - and in having a majority in the Senate who will APPROVE such judges!

Because as long as he’s in power, we won’t be getting pro-freedom judges like this one who just struck down the mask rule.

We’ll be getting far-left judges like the one Kelly just nominated to the Supreme Court who couldn’t even define what a woman is…

So let’s keep up our effort to send Mark Kelly and other AZ Dems packing this November! Will you support the fight with just $5 or more today??
Thank you for the support,

Pam Kirby
Executive Director