
The 2022 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report paints a grim picture: climate change and its impacts are here. We are combating climate change and if we act with urgency, it is possible to mitigate its impacts. 

As the mantra says: Think global, act local. 

Our Scripps Institute of Oceanography is globally leading research on sea level rise and climate including the longest continuous Pacific Ocean sample record in the world, dating back to 1916. Our local scientists and institutions lead in research that influences global science and, if we listen, decision-making. 

As your councilmember, my goal is to lead by example and integrate environmental choices into our everyday lives. As Chair, I created the 2022 Environment Committee Work Plan, which identifies four major priority areas to guide the Committee’s discussions and actions towards a more sustainable and equitable San Diego. They include energy/decarbonization, water and sustainability, environmental justice, and natural resources.  

This work plan is our path to mitigating the effects of climate change, reconciling decades of environmental injustice, and protecting our economy. A full copy of the Work Plan is available at 

It is not too late, but we must act with urgency.  

Yours truly,
Councilmember Joe LaCava
City of San Diego District 1