Our fate is in the hands of those who value independent journalism—because your support has always been the foundation of our funding model. Without you, we won't exist, so please join us now during our Spring Campaign to make sure our work and mission survive and thrive.
The paper's author says the administration's policy "endangers lives, separates families, inflicts trauma, wastes resources, and punishes people for exercising their legal right to request asylum."
"Starbucks is getting desperate as it loses this war in battle after battle," said the baristas' union, "because we—the Starbucks partners—continue to organize and fight for a real voice within the company."
Corporate media outlets are "enabling the government's gaslighting of the public" by failing to cover the climate emergency with "the frequency it deserves," the campaigners argued.
Set in the wider arc of history, Earth Day stands for me as a reminder of the importance of fact-based and community-grounded advocacy for moving the needle on inclusive, just environmental policy and practice.
The rich do not compete; they destroy the competition. The rich do not create wealth; they accumulate it. The rich do not create knowledge; they kidnap it. The rich do not create ideas; they demonize them.