Dear John,
“Mindy” called Human Coalition begging for an appointment as soon as possible.
She had visited Planned Parenthood earlier that day where her pregnancy was confirmed. Without giving her a full examination or much of an opportunity to ask questions, they scheduled her a “medical abortion” for the next day so she could receive the abortion pill and end her pregnancy. They pressed her to quickly come back and put down a deposit to hold her spot.
Mindy panicked because Planned Parenthood had not taken the time to perform an ultrasound. She had no idea how far along she was into her pregnancy and felt overwhelmed about what to do.
She called the Human Coalition contact center desperate for answers – and the staff got her an appointment at a life-affirming women’s care clinic in less than an hour.
Human Coalition’s nurses listened to Mindy’s fears about welcoming a child into the world. They comforted her and gave her the information and support she needed from the beginning.
Then they performed an ultrasound, which Mindy later said, “made all the difference.” She learned that her child was six weeks old and was shocked to hear the heartbeat. Even after the ultrasound was complete, she kept hearing the heartbeat over and over in her head, telling the nurses,
“I can’t unhear that.”
This beautiful sound of her child’s heart – this indisputably clear evidence of actual human life – moved her to reject abortion and choose life. She told our nurses,
“Before it just felt like a choice, now it’s real.”
Mindy returned to Human Coalition’s clinic a week later so the child’s father could see the ultrasound and hear the heartbeat for himself. His excitement about his child filled the room, and he asked to hear the heartbeat twice.
The clinic staff set Mindy up with prenatal care and continued to provide support throughout her pregnancy. Her family was also blessed with Christmas gifts as part of the annual Holiday Connections program.
After the birth of her son, Mindy texted her nurse:
“He’s the sweetest baby, and we are beyond elated! Thank you for being there for us during this time. You have no idea how this clinic has impacted our lives and family. This baby has completely changed us, and we couldn’t be more grateful."

John, your support is needed TODAY to reach more moms just like Mindy. Moms that Planned Parenthood are rushing to make the tragic decision to abort, rather than providing true care and compassion. Will you give TODAY to reach more moms like her and her son, rescuing them from abortion —before it’s too late?
As you know, the Supreme Court is considering a case that may overturn Roe v. Wade once and for all. While a lot will thankfully change post-Roe – including laws in half the country – the needs of moms facing unexpected pregnancies will remain the same.
And that means these mothers will still need someone to listen to their fears…someone to perform an ultrasound…someone to meet their tangible needs…someone to walk with them during their pregnancies and provide support long after they give birth.
Thanks to supporters like you, Mindy and her family was blessed to receive this lifesaving care. Her child was rescued from the deadly abortion pill, and her family was protected from the devastation that would have followed.
If Roe is repealed, there will be many, many more moms like Mindy in need of your help and hope.
That’s why, in honor of Mother’s Day, a generous donor has provided a $175,000 Challenge Grant to serve more moms in a potential post-Roe America. This donor also wants to inspire more pro-life champions like you to give today. Your support in combination with this incredible grant will help DOUBLE the lifesaving impact of the grant. And it will enable more mothers to receive life-centered care and more children to be rescued from the horror of abortion.
Will you give a gift of $100, $200, or your best gift to help DOUBLE the lifesaving impact when your gift is combined with the Challenge Grant?
Please know that your gift will both scale the existing resources of the National Rescue System and expand it into new abortion-dense markets and states around the country. This means that the needs of many more mothers will be met as they receive the hope and help that empowers them to choose life for their children.
This is a pivotal moment in the fight for life when all hands are needed on deck to prepare for life after Roe. And you can provide the option of choosing life to more moms facing unexpected pregnancies.
By giving, you will make a real difference for real families like Mindy’s. Because of you, moms will experience the joy of motherhood. And the hearts of their children will continue to beat.
Please don’t wait. Will you give right now to scale and expand the National Rescue System — protecting more children and families from the horror of abortion?
Thank you for rising up and addressing this challenge today. You’re truly rescuing more children in the womb from death as our country prepares for a Post-Roe America.
For Life,
Chelsey Youman
National Director of Public Policy
P.S. — A special opportunity in honor of Mother’s Day is coming in a few days that will enable you to rescue even more innocent lives from abortion… so, be on the lookout for details!