Our Portraits of Care billboards in Times Square shed light on Care Squads and their stories, and asked people big questions about care.
Putting up billboards in the middle of Times Square is cool, but we wanted to know what people thought about them. So we partnered with Brooklyn-based writer & comedian Zach Zimmerman to ask a bunch of strangers what care means to them.
Today, we released the third and final video in the series. They're funny, touching, and help show what real people think about care. You can watch them all here.

All three videos are in this YouTube playlist, or you can watch each episode separately on Facebook:
- Episode 1: We’re all going to need care, but we don’t talk about it enough. Let’s make it visible. Tell us: who do you care for?
- Episode 2: Care shows up in a myriad of ways. Preparing a meal, helping someone get to an appointment, or calling a friend to check in are all ways to show care. We wanna know: how do you care?
- Episode 3: Care is the most important thing in the world. It’s a form of love, and when shared among a group of people, care can strengthen communities and families. Show us: who’s in your care squad?
Once you've watched the videos, we'd love to hear what you think. You can share your story here.
With Care,
Sarah Vitti, Senior Manager of Culture Change
Caring Across Generations
PS — If you love these videos as much as I do, would you share them on your own social media? You can find the originals on Caring Across's Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts. Just be sure to use the hashtag #CareCantWait when you share.