From Alex Newell Taylor <>
Subject Tomorrow
Date April 22, 2022 7:51 PM
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[1]NNU - Medicare for All!

Senator Bernie Sanders is preparing to reintroduce Medicare for All in the
Senate soon, so we need to get ready now.

[ [link removed] ]Bernie running gif

There’s still time to reserve your spot for tomorrow’s virtual event to
get plugged in to our organizing plan to secure as many cosponsors on this
bill as possible – are you in?

[ [link removed] ]→ RSVP now to join Medicare for All Fest TOMORROW, April 23, at 12pm
PT/3pm ET ←

We’ll be launching an ambitious new plan on the call, and you’ll receive
all the info and training you need to own a piece of this work.  

[ [link removed] ]RSVP now »

We need Medicare for All now – and we have a huge opportunity coming up to
move the needle forward. Senator Bernie Sanders is preparing to
reintroduce Medicare for All legislation in the Senate soon. 

These bill introductions are key moments to reach wider audiences and pull
new people into our movement. We’re asking you to step up in this key
moment – and the best way to get plugged in to our organizing plan is to
join our virtual Medicare for All Fest tomorrow (Saturday), April 23rd, at
12pm PT/3pm ET. 

[ [link removed] ]Will you sign up now to join us for this virtual rally and training
ahead of the Senate bill reintroduction? This will be an opportunity to
receive hands-on training and get all the info you need to get involved in
this crucial period.

[ [link removed] ]RSVP NOW »

Note: We’re excited to announce that this event will feature live, Spanish
language interpretation and a breakout room specifically for Spanish

Together, we will mobilize across the country to make sure as many
senators as possible are signed on to this bill before it’s reintroduced. 

Hope to see you there, 

Alex Newell Taylor
Nurses’ Campaign to Win Medicare for All

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