Local elections are taking place on Thursday 5 May to elect councillors who will represent the ward that you live in.
The deadline for applying for a postal vote has now passed, but if you can’t get to the polling station and want to nominate someone to vote on your behalf you can apply for a proxy vote. The deadline to apply for a proxy vote is Tuesday 26 April, by 5pm.
If you’re voting in person on the day, please check your poll card for details of where to vote on 5 May when polling stations will be open from 7am until 10pm.
To find out who is standing for election in each ward please visit our website. Please note that the council cannot provide further details about candidates standing for election. However, information may be available directly from candidates or their agents elsewhere, including online, on social media or via leaflets delivered to your door.
Be moor aware
Did you know that local fire and rescue services spent approx 10,600 hours tackling the fires on Saddleworth Moor in 2018, which tied up vital lifesaving resources.
If you are out enjoying the nice weather this weekend please don't be tempted to take or start fires on the moors – they are banned and dangerous.
Enjoy the weather and visit one of our parks
We all love Dove Stone reservoir but it's always busy. So instead why not visit one of our other great beauty spots in the borough? There's plenty and they're all listed here.
Pension Credit – money going unclaimed
According to research carried out by the Greater Manchester Combined Authority 43,000 GM households are not claiming the Pension Credit they are entitled to. This means-tested benefit is worth on average £63 per week or £3,000 per year to the recipient. The consequence is that each year £75m goes unclaimed by GM pensioners.
Research shows that many people who are not claiming pension credit believe it’s because they are not eligible.
Check using this link to see if you’re eligible to claim. It can be useful to help a parent or relative through the process if you think they might be eligible and aren’t currently claiming.
Covid vaccine clinics for 5 – 11 year olds
The Royal Oldham is offering Covid vaccine clinics every day for 5 – 11 year olds.
Appointments are bookable through the National Booking Service or by ringing the hub directly on 0161 627 8102.
Those who have recently recovered from Covid should still come forward for their vaccination, as having had the virus does not give the same levels of protection.
Anyone over 18 who has had Covid will need to wait four weeks before having any dose of the vaccine, or 12 weeks for those aged 12 to 17.
Stay safe
Although legal restrictions have now been lifted, it's important to remember that COVID-19 has not gone away. If you show any symptoms of COVID-19 such as a high temperature or a new, continuous cough, loss/ change in your normal sense of smell or taste you should try and stay at home and avoid contact with other people. A full list of symptoms can be found here,
Having the COVID-19 vaccine is still the best protection against becoming seriously ill from COVID-19. Oldham residents can check where their nearest clinic is by visiting the Oldham Council website here.