I’ve spent my career fighting to protect public lands from greedy special interests.

Happy Earth Day, friend!

Like most in Montana, I was raised with a deep connection to Mother Earth and our public lands.

When I was younger, my best friend and I would ride the open lands that surrounded us on horseback with very few barriers or fences in our way. Our neighbors readily shared access to their lands. When my dad wasn’t out hunting, we’d all be outdoors -- camping, hiking, rafting, and fishing.

Canoeing in Montana
Canoeing with my brother and stepdad

Today is an important reminder that we have shared responsibility to protect our planet for future generations. 

This is an issue that transcends party politics -- it's important to our Native communities, conservationists, ranchers, and hunters alike. That unity is something we're all very proud of, and it's why we're so disturbed when politicians like Ryan Zinke exploit our public lands for corporate profits. 

During his time as Secretary of the Interior under Trump, Zinke oversaw the largest sell-off of public lands and oceans in American history. He ignored environmental protections, and opened up large swaths of land for fossil fuel exploitation.

Montana -- and our very planet -- deserve better. We deserve a leader who will fight to protect our precious natural landscapes -- not sell them to the highest bidder. 

So, in honor of Earth Day, will you chip in $3 to my campaign today? I’ve spent my career fighting to protect Montana’s  public lands from greedy special interests. I’ll fight like hell in Congress to make sure the health of our planet is prioritized.



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