
Happy Earth Day!

Today is the perfect opportunity to recommit ourselves to the fight to protect and preserve our planet. 

I’m no stranger to the effects of the climate crisis — because of last year’s catastrophic drought and erratic weather, my farm just had its worst harvest ever

And it’s not just our crops — The Washington Post reported that Montana’s changing climate is causing native trout to flee rivers in the Rocky Mountains, which could impact our $650 million cold-water fishing industry. 

Our livelihood is at stake, and with extreme weather events and wildfires becoming increasingly frequent, so is our safety. This Earth Day, the most important thing we can do is recommit to taking immediate and serious action to address climate change before it’s too late. 

The science is clear on this: We must reduce emissions or we’ll be on the path to a total climate collapse. So, I’m asking you to add your name next to mine on a petition telling my Senate colleagues the time is now for comprehensive climate legislation.


Thanks for raising your voice on this important issue. If we work together, we can protect our planet for generations to come.

— Jon