Right now is a critical moment in the fight to end Title 42, the inhumane and racist policy that has expelled and harmed millions of people seeking refuge at the southern border. President Biden announced he would finally end the program, BUT, a growing number of members of Congress are trying to delay its termination, which the White House is reportedly now considering.

Tell your members of Congress to support ending Title 42! Take action here: https://immigrantjustice.org/EndTitle42

The Trump administration initiated Title 42 in order to block Black, Brown, and Indigenous people seeking asylum, but did so under the false guise of protecting public health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Experts have continually asserted there is no public health rationale for this ban on asylum seekers, but the Biden administration has continued this policy.

Under the law, people have the right to seek asylum. Expulsions under Title 42 violate domestic and international law, and have harmed millions of people.

Nearly two million people have been expelled and more than 10,000 have suffered acts of violence like kidnapping, rape, torture, and family separation because of Title 42.

The United States should be a safe haven for the persecuted where every person is treated with dignity and respect.

We need you to be vocal and remind our lawmakers and leaders of those fundamental values, and encourage them to stay the course and end Title 42.

Tell your members of Congress to support the termination of Title 42 and to welcome people seeking refuge! Act now at: https://immigrantjustice.org/EndTitle42

Thank you for taking action to welcome people seeking refuge and defend their legal right to seek asylum.

-Azadeh Erfani
Senior Policy Analyst, National Immigrant Justice Center


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